At its meeting on December 15, the Diocesan Finance Committee has confirmed that the primary recipient of membership fees in the Diocese of Helsinki henceforth will be the parishes. This means that parishes can ask their members to specifically support the parish instead of the Diocese. The Parish will then pay 10 per cent of all its income to the Diocese, in accordance with the instructions from the Bishop earlier this year (October 17, 2017).
The subscription fee for the Diocesan Magazine Fides will be invoiced through the Diocese and paid into the Diocese's account. The magazine is not financed by membership fees; Catholics as well as other subscribers are invoiced through the Diocesan Catholic Information Centre. In addition, a decision has been made not to close the Diocese's own membership fee account. There are people who expressly want to support the Diocese, and for this reason the account for the Diocesan membership will still be available. |
Kind regards, Father Marco Parish Priest | Parish Bank Account: |